Muhyiddin even pursues the perverse logic that DAP leaders such as Lim Kit Siang and myself are Chinese chauvinists even though DAP has fought for all Malaysians and our membership open to all including Malays, Indians Ibans and Kadazans. Muhyiddin conveniently ignores the fact that I was imprisoned and lost my parliamentary seat for defending an underaged Malay rape victim who was detained instead of her rapists.
DAP is no threat to Malays. Only UMNO is a threat to Malays and Malaysians with its open acceptance and defence of repressive violation of basic human rights, corruption and abuse of power.
By using such fear and threats, UMNO can justify and cover up its numerous financial and corruption scandals that has cost Malaysia hundreds of billions of ringgit such as:_
-the latest exposes of excessive expenditure of RM3.7 billion by government departments in the 2010 Auditor-General’s Report without any punishment imposed; and
-the controversy of allowing public funds to a company related to a Minister, that was meant for rearing cows but misused to purchase high-end luxury condominiums.